Download HQS Calendar 2022 HQS Calendar 2022.pdf Download Information Session ppt PPT for info session_marked.pdf
Organiser Hafiz Al-Quran School (HQS) at Gungahlin Mosque, Canberra Muslim Community (CMC). Competitors Open to Public less than 25 years old (both males and females) Aim HQS is organising a Quran Memorisation Competition within the Muslim community in Canberra. The aim of this competition is to encourage participants to memorise…
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, Dear Community Members, It is our pleasure to inform you that the Canberra Muslim Community Inc. (CMC) has established a Hafiz Al-Quran School at the Gungahlin Mosque. The aim of the school is…
The school provides the following levels of education starting from learning the Arabic alphabet to being a Hafiz of the Qur’an. Level 1 Learn to read the Qur’an using an Easy Qur’an reading book. Level 2 Memorise 15 Surahs from Surah Annas to Surah Al-Adiat and master reading 15 pages…
Sisters Quran Classes Schedule at Gungahlin Mosque Starting 22/6/2022 Teachers Sr. Hafsa / coordinator Sr. Nashwa Sr. Noor Sr. Tahminah Sr. Nehad Sr. Hala Sakr Sr. Hala yusuf Sr. Hind Sr. Hajar Sr. Aya Akool Sr. Noha Sr. Mai Sr. Aya Hussien Sr. Amany / Technical support Email:
HQS Hours: Sunday from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. Saturday from 12 p.m. till 3 p.m. New fee policy, original copies sent by email to all HQS parents:
Adult sisters Quran courses online and at the Mosque,
Support learning and teaching of Al Quran